XORSKE! First Issue 'Chaos'

XORSKE! First Issue 'Chaos'


XORSKE! 'Chaos'

24 page full colour copy of the first issue of XORSKE!, featuring collected visual art, prose, poetry, magick, and personals along a theme of 'Chaos', by outsider or unknown individuals.

New work from fifteen writers and artists, along with other contributors.

XORSKE! is an independent magazine of collected works. It publishes anything within the issue theme that is 2D.

The magazine was first planned in autumn 2022. It was made out of frustration, an interest in wanting to print the work of friends and rivals, and a realisation that 2023 was going to be an auspicious year. This first issue is somewhat an experiment.

Please allow 7 days for postage.

Editorial team: Sasha James Chase, Dr. Gershon Legman

Publisher: Fawn Arts Publishing

P+P inside the UK is £2.46
P+P outside of the UK is £12.46

XORSKE! First Issue 'Chaos' Image 2